When presenting your property for sale, there are 4 levels that all sellers should be aware of. The level you use will have a direct impact on the buyers it will attract and the final sale price unless you are selling it for land value alone. Keep in mind, the level your property may be at right now shouldn't stay that way if you want to attract a premium sale price.
So here are the 4 levels of presenting your home for sale along with the emotions and actions it drives from buyers.

Level 1 - Dilapidated
Run Down, Broken, Neglected
What buyers would see
Cracks in walls ceilings, Visible mould, water damage, tiles missing or cracked.
Carpets worn/dirty. Kitchen and or bathroom close to unuseable.
Overgrown yards, no real landscaping, garage, shed or fence issues.
What buyers may feel
Buyers may feel there is far too much work and may even be overwhelmed at where to start and what they may or may not uncover. To make up for this uncertainty, they would make offers that are in a very low or below average price point.
Level 2 - Outdated
out of style, grandma's house
What buyers would see
Various bright and muted colours schemes, outdated light fittings, drapes, vertical blinds, kitchen cabinets and bathrooms with square look tiles. Floorplans that rarely connect the inside space to the outside space. Many smaller rooms. Outdated fences, carports, garage doors.
What buyers may feel
Buyers may feel there is potential and still lots of work. With some uncertainty, may make offers that are in a low or just below average price point.
Level 3 - Updated
Bland, boring, basic
What buyers would see
Mostly white, neutral safe colours with basic fixtures and fittings that remain functional. Neat and tidy.
What buyers may feel
Buyers may feel there are changes they could make over time, and may be happy to accept the property as is. They can see themselves there though, if they are likely to miss out, they may not fight for it so offers may be in the average or expected range depending on the market.
Level 4 - Renovated
Stunning, amazeballs
What buyers would see
Modern Interiors, including lighting, blinds, paint colour scheme, flooring, kitchen, bathrooms, outdoor spaces that all work together.
A consistent style, colour, fittings and finishes throughout the property including outside spaces. Exteriors vary with so many different property styles, though colour schemes and external fittings will modernise a classic home.
What buyers may feel
Buyers may feel excited that the property is finished to a high standard, with nothing to spend. They would make an emotional connection as they visualise life there. If they are likely to miss out, they may fight harder to secure the property and so offers would be above average.
So there you have the 4 levels of presenting your home for sale from dilapidated to renovated. I'm sure you know which one will give you the best result.
If you would like to know about presale renovation and how I can help put you on the right path, get in contact (before you contact a real estate agent)

Engaging a real estate agent BEFORE your property is ready is one thing that many sellers unknowingly get wrong.